Cherry Qi was introduced to YIJIA Canada in 2016. She was very impressed by the results of using MAIONE products: her skin texture was much improved and the skin began to show radiance as well as resilience. She quickly became a loyal customer and YIJIA member joining the Global Profit-Sharing Plan (GGP). Since then, she started to dedicate herself to building her own business at YIJIA Canada. Cherry is very insightful, it only took her 20 days to achieve the advancement from Pearl to Sapphire Leader; 8 and a half months after, she became the first Crown Ambassador at YIJIA North America. With endeavor and perseverance, she has now been advanced to YIJIA North America’s first Triple Crown Ambassador.


“Success is like blossoming, and it will lead others to realize their own goals. Therefore, I continue to create my personal breakthrough to improve my self-worth. This way, I can serve as a better leader to my team. I believe that team members have an influence on each other, which means that they can be mutually inspired to reach their greatest potential. Thanks to YIJIA, my team was able to expand extensively. In addition, with my efficient team management skills, my business at YIJIA Canada has been growing rapidly. In short, at YIJIA, your team is the key to your success.”

加拿大雙皇冠Cherry Qi
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