YiJia strives to provide better products and services for all our members, whether it is through new products or better services.
YiJia Prime+ Leaderboard
To recognize the achievements of these YiJia Prime+ members, the followings are our current top achievers of YiJia USA & Canada. The leaderboard will be updated every time there is a new rising star of YiJia Prime+ ! Congratulations to all of our YiJia Prime+ achievers!
To find out more about YiJia Prime program, please visit: Canada YiJia Prime
Mei Hua Chen
Shirley Chen
Wai Choon Lan
Connie Lee
Manlin Lee
Yoyo Li
Joan Li
Shu Ying Lin
Yan Qin Liu
Vivian Liu & Jerry Lu
Lynn Thuy Nguyen
Maggie Ngo
Cherry Qi
Helen Qiu
Ivy Su
Yanxian Su
Debbie Tin
Ana Chan Yau
Yan Yan
Eva Yu
Wenwen Ruan & Benny Yu
Hui Zhao
Yuki Zhao