My Age-Defying Story with YiJia

Lilian Wong

YiJia offers the perfect duo for my natural beauty to shine through. With MAIONE, I can take care of my skin from the outside, while with MIRIKEL, I get to boost (not just!) my skin health from within.

How MAIONE Defies Age

I was introduced to MAIONE first by a close friend. It’s a bit pricy, but trust me, it’s worth EVERY penny! As you can see from my before & after photos, I used to have large pores around my nose, and most of all, LOTS of dark spots on my cheeks. I had to cover them up with quite some heavy makeup, which just made things worse. But now, I get to rock the no-makeup makeup look every day! My friends were amazed by the results. Even my mom got jealous of my good skin, and she has now become a user and big fan of MAIONE as well!

Usually, I keep my skincare routine a secret, and only a few of my close friends know it. But, hey, as YiJia preaches, “sharing is loving,” so, why not share my transformation recipe with you guys, too 😉

Here is My Secret Skin Care Routine:

  • First, I start with my favorite MAIONE product, the Cleanser! It’s really foamy and gentle yet can get rid of all the impurities without drying out my skin!
  • Right after cleansing, I spray a generous amount of the Essence onto my skin. It’s so soothing but also gives you some refreshing feel. Actually, because of this, I use it throughout the day. Whenever I feel I need to refresh, I use this baby to wake me up!
  • Then, I apply the Serum. It’s a bit sticky, which usually is a turn-off for me. But, it’s really effective in terms of reducing the appearance of my dark spots. Now, it has become one of my must-haves!
  • After that, if it’s during the daytime, I’ll just put on some Protective Cream and then some light makeup. But if it’s before sleeping, you bet I’ll need something to complete my skincare ritual. That’s right, the Mask! I’ve never used a mask that fits my facial contour that perfectly. It’s like a second skin. And it provides my skin with great hydration. After using it, my skin becomes so soft that I just can’t stop touching it!

MIRIKEL to Boost Beauty & Health from Within

Of course, as we all know, skincare products can only do so much to perfect your skin. That’s why I add MIRIKEL products to my daily routine. QualiTen and Bluti have definitely helped improve my skin health. My skin used to look so dull and pale. But look at me now, radiant and healthy! And my rosy cheeks! Guess who needs no blush now?

As a bonus, I have some extra tips for those of you who want to maintain your perfect summer body during the coming holiday season (I know, who can say no to all the yummy pumpkin spice lattes, pecan pies, eggnog…ok, I gotta stop before drooling like a puppy). I’ve been taking Balance Five in the past five months, and I have already lost 15lbs! And it has a sesame flavour that I just can’t resist. I’m planning to try DigeZ. It’s a probiotic supplement that I heard work on weight management as well.

Well, now you know my secret, go try it out. I hope you enjoy the results as much as I do!

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