Being Fit & Lazy is a Possibility: MIRIKEL Balance Five Launch Event

June 30th, YiJia Canada held a memorable launch event for our brand-new product MIRIKEL Balance Five at our Toronto office and Vancouver office, respectively.  Guests who were invited got a sneak-peak of the vegan meal replacement’s magic.

YiJia produces products that are plant-based, vegan, and cruelty-free. We devote ourselves to finding vegan alternatives to animal-tested ingredients. Our MIRIKEL products are perfectly balanced and optimized to benefit your overall wellness, providing excellent solutions to let your inner beauty shine through.

MIRIKEL Balance Five includes five types of foods that are essential to your well-being. The formula has perfectly balanced 25 types of carefully selected grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables to provide you with a healthy blend of protein, healthy fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Balance Five keeps you full and more energetic, helping you manage your weight and benefiting your fitness training.*

YiJia CEO Bobby Chen giving a presentation at YiJia Vancouver on how Balance Five may help people manage weight and boost their energy

Double Crown Ambassador Annie Chow sharing Balance Five’s benefits with the audience at YiJia Toronto.

Following Balance Five, there will be more MIRIKEL products launching this year to help you maintain your health and overall wellness. Stay tuned!

To find out more about MIRIKEL Balance Five,

YiJia US members, click here

YiJia Canada members, click here

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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